Kirstie Marie Jones holding a Nikon Camera while siting in a chair.

Freelance Remuda Podcast

I had the honor to talk to Freelance Remuda for their special Vlog: Contracts and Why You Need Them!

On the Vlog, talking about contracts 🤝 Why do photographers need contracts? When did I start using contracts? How did I draft my first one? What’s my logic behind using one? Listen below to find out! 

PLUS hear a little sneak peek about how my life is going and how a dream recently come true 🤩

Need a contract? I highly recommend checking out The Contract Shop!

Kirstie Jones

fine art equine photographer

A lifetime horse enthusiast, the Texas-based equine photographer has experienced first-hand the immeasurable bond between a horse and a girl. She strives to capture that special relationship for each and every client.

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